Camp Good News

Camp Registration with Child Evangelism Fellowship Camp

Camp Good News has been a Regpack client since 2013!

Doug, the local director of CEF, uses Regpack for their camp registration including before and aftercare options. Doug loves using Regpack’s email tools to keep his parents updated as well as Regpack’s ability to handle multiple and varied discounts.

Learn more about how Doug and Camp Good News are using Regpack to help manage their camp registration!

Your camp changes life. Let us change yours.

Tell me about yourself and your camp.

Camp Good News is part of Child Evangelism Fellowship. It’s a Christian organization that has clubs and camps for kids.

Camp Good News is part of one of their ministries in the summer. We offer a day camp for kids for 7 weeks and 1 week of overnight that we offer. We have all kinds of different weeks of camps, including sports camp, detective camp, robotics camp, and more.

When you looked for a registration software for your camp, what specific features were important to you?

We were looking for an affordable place to go that could handle registration. We were looking for something especially that could handle multiple discounts for families. It’s hard for some parents to send all 3 kids to camp, so we like to do something to make it a little more affordable for them. So we needed a system that could handle that well.

We also needed something that made registration seamless. We don’t have thousands of registrations, we have a couple hundred each year. Regpack is a great pricing point for us to be able to work with our volume.

Was setting up your before and after care options easy with Regpack?

Yes, that helps as well! We use reporting to help us create reports for the staff so they know who is coming before camp and staying after.

How are you using emails in Regpack to help manage camp and registration?

We use emails to keep our parents aware of what’s going on. I also use it for promotional emails in the spring. Just recently I sent an email about the early bird discount we have. During the summer I use it to send out a “what to bring to camp” email.

Sometimes we also do a potluck during camp, so I can send out an email to families who are enrolled in that week of camp that they need to bring an item to the picnic.

You have several autobilling plans in your system. What do you love about this feature?

I like the flexibility that autobilling gives me. I can turn plans on and off depending on what makes sense at the time.

Would you recommend Regpack to other camps? If so, why?

I think Regpack is very affordable and it does what it’s supposed to do. I get the reports that I need, it breaks data down well, it handles discounts very well.

I shopped around quite a bit trying different registration options. I tried a couple and Regpack was the most affordable option. Some registration websites want $10,000 for a system. That is ⅓ of our budget, so that isn’t going to work.

I also appreciate that I can pause our account in the fall when we aren’t using it, which helps us save too.

My Regpack project manager made my system totally seamless and set up exactly as I needed it. Regpack for me is a very flexible system.

I like the flexibility that autobilling gives me.

We’ve included some important tasks all school programs should have, including:

  • Curriculum
  • Rosters
  • Student forms
  • Emergency contact information
  • Staff / Volunteer Selection
  • Multiple child sign-ups
  • Multiple payment methods

About CEF

Regpack has helped thousands of organizations like yours.


Attendee satisfaction from the registration process (!!!)



on avg to complete complex tasks



support cases per admin on avg.

I shopped around quite a bit trying different registration options.

I tried a couple and Regpack was the most affordable option. Some registration websites want $10,000 for a system.

About The Author
Abby McCool