When you think of an online registration software, things like lead management, client management, membership management, staff applications, and sales platform don’t usually come to mind as well.
And that makes sense… it is called “online registration software” so it must be good only for registering people, right? Maybe, but names can be misleading!
I built Regpack based on 7 years of research when doing my Ph.D. The story is really interesting if you like academic stuff.
Obviously, when doing a Ph.D. you are not trying to research “registration software”, it needs to be a bigger issue. What I was looking at was if it was possible to create a system that is flexible at the database and the logic level. The result is Regpack.
Regpack could have gone to a lot of different fields and verticals but eventually, I decided to direct it to registration software since it is a very complicated private case of client onboarding. Yep, it is my intellectual interest that made Regpack into a registration system.
Essentially Regpack is a “meta programming system” or more specifically a “client onboarding system with configurable logic”.
Regpack, put more simply, is a system to collect, organize and manage any set of data you have, and use it for any purpose.
Therefore, you can do with Regpack a lot more than use it as a registration software which is why events, camps, conferences, churches, courses, classes, nonprofits and more use Regpack with a lot of success.
Registration Software as a Survey Tool
Many camps and events use Regpack to conduct surveys to past attendees. With filtering, reporting, and statistics, this makes viewing and understanding your data easy!
Using a 3rd party survey tool might sound like a good idea, but when all of your client data is in your registration software, why not create a quick form or project to gather the data in the same place!
If you are interested in going forward with this here is an article with guidelines on what questions to ask.
The fun part is that in Regpack there are already made templates that incorporate all these suggestions (so you do not really need to read the article 🙂
Registration Software as a Referral Tool
Many of our clients use Regpack as a referral system. Either for students who need a form completed by a teacher as part of their application process, or a doctor logging in and completing medical forms on behalf of an applicant.
We see this used mostly in multi-step applications, that require certain information that is filled out by someone other than the applicant before the application can proceed to the next step.
Registration Software for Staff Applications
It turns out that I’m not the only one who came to this conclusion. Many of our camp clients, for instance, realized how easy it would be to not just use Regpack for their summer camp registration, but also to gather applications and data on their volunteer and staff selections as well.
The basic tools that registration software offers: filtering, reporting, and email tools, come in handy when managing staff or volunteer selection.
The bonus is that using a software you are already familiar with for one application, makes the learning curve when using it for a very different application almost non-existent.
Check out a system that incorporates volunteer applications here.
Registration Software for Lead Management
As I grew Regpack, it occurred to me that we needed a way to gather and manage our leads coming in. I did a lot of research on lead management tools until it dawned on me that Regpack is perfect for this!
Not only did this save me a lot of money, it also helped me realize that Regpack clients could use Regpack for more than the reason they initially came to use.
Registration Software as a Sales Platform
I wrote a whole post about this before, so I won’t go into detail here, but your registration software can help you manage your data, design your marketing strategy and help you better prepare for upcoming events or programs.
Marketing and sales is very much data and statistics based. So it makes sense that you can filter and the data you need on your clients in your registration system that will inform your sales and marketing strategies.
Registration Software as an Onboarding Tool
The onboarding process is important for any business. And just like registration, there is no “one right way” to onboarding clients. Every organization has their own unique process.
Onboarding is generally the process you take with clients as they go from “lead” or “prospect” to client.
Once they become “clients”, they are generally moved into your registration system. But why start only there? Using your registration software as a way to onboard clients from the first moment in an automated and streamlined.
I wrote more about this in detail here.
Registration Software as a CRM
In the same way that registration software can: function as lead management, onboard clients, register and process payments for your organization, and act as a sales platform, you’ve basically now just used your registration software as a CRM.
Whether you use Regpack, or another affordable registration software option, you just can’t compare the high cost of those fancy CRM systems. When you can use your registration software in an out of the box way to achieve the same goals, it not only saves time but more importantly, money too.
Conclusion: Registration software is an all-purpose business solution!
The theme is: if you can think of it, registration software can probably do it. That might not sound so fancy, but it’s the truth!
The tools registration software provides go beyond just collecting registrant information and credit card information.
Tools like email communication, filtering, reporting, statistics, scheduler, templates, and more all make it easy to fit the software to any of your businesses processes.
Additionally, it will help to streamline and automate the process for you!