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Client Spotlight: Millersville Technology & Engineering Camp Program

tech camp registratoin_ Millersville Technology & Engineering Camp Program _feature

Regpack client, Len Litowitz, was in need of an easy to use registration software for his Technology and Engineering Camp he runs at Millersville University.

As a professor in the Department of Applied Engineering, Safety, and Technology, this camp is a great way to put what he teaches at the higher education level to good use with the next generation of engineers!

Camps include 3D Printing, Advanced Lego Robotics, Build Your Own Robot, Calling All Coders, CNC Machining for Kids, Design Your Own Tiny House, Get Graphic Make Your Own Comic, and more!

After the university software he used wasn’t available to manage camp registration, Len needed a quick solution to ensure his program could run on time.

Tell us more about you and your Tech and Engineering Camp

I live in South-Central Pennsylvania and I run a summer camp program for children and young adults that focuses on technology & engineering related subjects. It is actually a collection of half-day, week-long topics ranging from robotics to CADD to construction and engineering.

What process were you using before Regpack to collect and manage tech camp registrations and payments?

The university I am affiliated with and rent space from used to run the registration for me.

I wasn’t looking for a different registration solution, but the university I am affiliated with and rent space from was impacted by a cyber-hack. Their registration process was not up and running so they were unable to conduct a registration for me.

I needed an alternative solution in a hurry. and at the time I found Regpack.

Regpack offered a viable registration alternative at a price I could afford, and most importantly, they offered the ability to create a registration website in a hurry. I was already running well behind schedule due to Covid related issues.

What features were most important to you and how did Regpack meet your needs best?

The ability to easily run registration rosters. Also the ability to build the registration website.

I appreciated that the registration counters that are right on the registration pages. They are really helpful to parents and instructors. Everyone knows how many kids are registered, how many seats are still available in a camp, etc.

Lastly, the ability to compare income reports to my actual bank account. Accounting is much easier with this visiblity.

These are all improvements that Regpack has offered me over my previous registration process.

What improvements have you seen in your business processes including cash flow since switching to Regpack?

Regpack has made the registration process and bookkeeping easier for me than my previous registration process.

My expenses are similar to my previous registration process, but there is a lot less legwork on my end. That time savings allows me to more energy into the camp itself and building relationships.

Would you recommend Regpack to others in your network?

I would recommend Regpack to others. Regpack techncal support is great.

I would tell other University Professors running similar summer and youth programs at their instituions that Regpack has the potential to simplify your life!

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