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7 Summer Camp Registration Mistakes You Have to Avoid

Summer camp registrations can be time-consuming and frustrating, especially when they include filling in lengthy forms that never seem to end.

Nothing is worse than diligently filling out page after page, only to realize you’ve entered incorrect information and have to start all over again from the beginning.

Moreover, non-automated communication and complex registration procedures can compound the problem, leading to numerous emails and phone calls from frustrated parents who cannot complete the registration process smoothly.

Those are just two of the seven summer camp registration mistakes we will address today.

Read on to discover how to avoid these pitfalls and streamline your camp registration process for a smoother experience for campers, parents, and your staff.

Overcomplicating Your Registration Process

For starters, you should avoid overcomplicating your registration process at all costs.

A complex and time-consuming registration experience will deter potential applicants from signing up. 

According to a survey by The Manifest, the top reasons for online form abandonment, in addition to security concerns, include excessive form length and irrelevant questions. 

Simply put, lengthy and complicated forms drive people away.

Illustration: Regpack / Data: The Manifest

So, to make registrations less complicated, you should strive to keep your forms short, straightforward, and focused only on relevant information.

This is where camp registration software like Regpack can make all the difference.

With Regpack, you can embed your registration form directly on your website, addressing one of the primary reasons for form abandonment—security concerns. 

Not redirecting registrants to unfamiliar pages in order to provide personal information and payment details will instill confidence in your applicants as well as make the registration process less complicated. 

For example, the Stone Mountain Adventures camp has its Register and Login buttons right there on the website. 

Source: Stone Mountain Adventures

When the registrants click on those buttons, they are not redirected anywhere. On the contrary, they are guided to start filling out their info just underneath.

Source: Stone Mountain Adventures

Moreover, Regpack’s conditional logic feature simplifies the registration process even further. 

Parents will only be asked questions that are relevant to their children, and they will be guided through the process from start to finish. 

For example, if a parent indicates their child has allergies, the form will prompt relevant follow-up questions. 

Conversely, the form will progress to the following pertinent query if no allergies are reported.

Asking only relevant questions will streamline your registration process, leading to higher completion rates and an increased number of campers.

Source: Regpack

Finally, all completed forms will contain accurate and necessary information, sparing you and your staff the hassle of contacting parents for corrections.

In conclusion, implementing an intuitive and user-friendly system will simplify your registrations.

As a result, you will attract more applicants and ensure a hassle-free experience for parents and your staff.

Not Personalizing the Registration Experience

An often overlooked mistake in the camp registration process is the lack of personalization for each camper and parent.

Generic registration forms tend to include unnecessary questions that don’t apply to everyone, leading to a disconnected and impersonal experience.

However, if you recognize that every child is unique, you will realize the importance of gathering specific information tailored to each camper.

This personalized approach will also resonate with parents, as they see that the form they are filling out is designed to meet their child’s needs.

As previously discussed, employing forms with conditional logic is crucial for avoiding this pitfall.

Source: Regpack

By asking such relevant questions, you can make the registration process personal for each camper, ensuring a smoother and more engaging experience.

But personalization goes beyond just the forms.

Establishing direct and personalized communication with parents is equally crucial.

Engage with them through personalized emails, addressing them by name and acknowledging their relationship with your camp.

For example, you can welcome returning campers with messages customized by their first and last names, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Observe this heartwarming note from parents expressing their gratitude for the unforgettable three weeks their son spent at Stone Mountain Adventures camp.

Source: Stone Mountain Adventures

Their enthusiasm suggests they may become returning clients.

As this camp opens next year’s applications, they should seize the opportunity to send these parents a personalized invitation to register their son for camp again, which will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression.

Remember, personalization isn’t just a mere detail—it’s a powerful tool to build trust with your clients.

Parents are entrusting you with the well-being of their children, so it goes without saying that complete trust is vital.

By showing that you value and recognize each camper’s uniqueness, you instill confidence in your camp’s dedication to providing an exceptional and tailored experience.

Neglecting to Offer Enough Payment Options

Neglecting to offer various payment options is a common mistake camp organizers make, often leading to a decline in camper registrations.

Every parent’s financial situation is different, and accommodating their preferences is vital to attract more applicants.

While some parents may prefer to pay the full camp fee upfront, others may need the flexibility of payment plans.

Source: Regpack

Additionally, some parents may find it convenient to schedule auto-debits from their bank accounts.

Source: Regpack

By diversifying payment options, camps not only make it more convenient for parents but also increase their chances of receiving more applications, ultimately making the camp experience more accessible to a broader range of children.

The key to offering seamless payment options lies in selecting the right camp registration software.

A robust system should not only accept one-time payments but also allow parents to choose payment plans that suit their financial needs.

Furthermore, you have to make sure that the software you select for your camp is compatible with processing payments directly on your website on any device parents use.

Source: Regpack

Statistics have shown that incorporating integrated payment options into online camp registration software results in a 25% increase in on-time completed payments, streamlining the process and minimizing delays.

So, if you prioritize a diverse range of payment options and invest in efficient registration software that takes payments on your website, you can make your camp within reach for more families.

And if you offer payment plans, you will always have a clear financial outlook. Knowing when payments are coming in will enable you to plan better and allocate resources efficiently.

Failing to Establish Control Over Registrations

Camp organizers often struggle to maintain control over registrations, leading to the issue of over-enrollment. 

In his interview for Reuters, president and CEO of the American Camp Association (ACA), Tom Rosenberg, says demand for camps is soaring in 2023, with the highest summer camp enrollment expected since pre-Covid times. 

In his words, “Summer camp is hot again.”

With increasing demand and limited capacity, over-enrollment becomes a common problem, disappointing excited kids and parents alike. 

To address this challenge, implementing efficient camp registration software is crucial.

Source: Regpack

Such software allows organizers to set quotas and create waitlists, ensuring that the number of registrants remains within manageable limits. 

Furthermore, the benefits of the right registration software extend beyond initial enrollments. 

Consider a scenario where your camp offers weekend activities, such as a trip to the lake, with limited spots available due to counselor constraints or a single allocated bus determining the capacity.

In such cases, the right software allows you to establish quotas for these specific activity sessions—the number of campers you can accommodate. 

Parents can then register their children for these activities, provided seats are available, and you get a clear overview similar to the one in the photo below. 

Source: Regpack

Moreover, if you offer the same activity in the morning and afternoon, the software can allow the registrants to choose their preferred session.

Source: Regpack

This level of customization puts you in control by setting the number of participants for each session and allowing registrants to choose one or multiple sessions as available.

In summary, by using comprehensive registration software, you can maintain constant oversight of registrations and activity enrollments, preventing over-enrollment not only for the camp as a whole but also for individual activities.

With summer camp demand on the rise, this tool is more important than ever to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for campers and their families.

Not Giving Parents a Way to Check on Progress

Not giving parents a way to check on the progress of registration is one of the most significant mistakes made by camp organizers.

Parents want to stay informed about their child’s registration journey status, from completed forms to pending tasks, payment updates, and more.

Providing them with this visibility is not only reassuring for parents but also highly beneficial for you.

When parents can easily track their progress, they stay engaged and aware of their responsibilities throughout the registration process.

Conversely, if there is no mechanism for them to monitor their progress, they may feel frustrated and even abandon the registration altogether.

To avoid this critical mistake, you should offer registrants the option to create a personalized account with a comprehensive dashboard displaying all the relevant information they need.

Source: Regpack

This dashboard should include details on filled-out forms, outstanding tasks, payment history, and the remaining balance.

Automated email notifications are a valuable addition to this process.

They enable seamless communication with parents, promptly informing them about pending actions, required form submissions, or upcoming payment deadlines.

For example, the email below notifies the parent of what forms they have to yet fill out to complete the registration process.

Source: Regpack

Ultimately, keeping parents in the know empowers them to confidently take charge of the registration process.

They are more likely to complete the necessary steps promptly, enhancing efficiency and minimizing confusion.

And a well-informed and satisfied community of parents will undoubtedly contribute to your camp’s overall success and positive reputation.

Ignoring the Need to Automate Your Communication

One common mistake among camp organizers is neglecting the need to automate their communication.

Answering parents’ questions about application status or dealing with difficulties in the registration process, as well as sending payment reminders, if done manually, can be very time-consuming.

Crafting individual emails for each parent takes up a significant amount of valuable time that could be better utilized elsewhere.

However, by implementing camp registration software, you can streamline this process and save time.

With the right software, you can create a single email template and use it to send personalized messages to all parents.

The software can extract relevant information from registration forms through tokens, which you can see in purple, allowing you to address parents by name and include content specific to their needs.

Source: Regpack

Moreover, the software works on the principle of triggers and conditions.

For example, you can set up the trigger “Missed payment,” and the software will automatically email everyone who has met that condition—not make a due payment.

Similarly, you can set triggers for all the fields you can see in the screenshot below.

Source: Regpack

In summary, automated communication saves time and effort and ensures that your interactions remain personal and efficient.

Embracing automation can redirect your focus to more productive tasks, enhancing the overall camp organization process.

Creating All the Necessary Reports Manually

Neglecting to automate report creation is another common mistake camp organizers make and the last mistake we will mention today. 

Gathering essential data manually can be time-consuming and inefficient, hindering your summer camp’s smooth operation and improvement each year.

Throughout the camp season, you need various reportsstatistics, and analyses to ensure everything runs seamlessly. 

These reports may include:

Creating all these reports manually and inputting data into spreadsheets is a laborious task that consumes valuable hours.

So why waste time doing it manually when there is a solution that will do all of it automatically? 

The right camp registration software allows you to generate comprehensive reports within minutes and just a few clicks.

Source: Regpack

With such software, you can easily filter and customize reports according to your needs. 

Moreover, exporting the data is hassle-free, too, ensuring that everyone at your camp stays well-informed and organized.

In a nutshell, relying on manual report creation is tedious and inefficient.

So, embrace the automation provided by camp registration software and enjoy a more streamlined and productive camp management experience.


Today we have highlighted seven common mistakes made by camp organizers to help you recognize and avoid them in the future.

By implementing the right camp registration software, you can effectively address all these issues and enhance your camp’s organization.

So, look for a software solution encompassing all the necessary features, such as registration forms with conditional logic, payment plan options, automated communication, and report generation, among others.

With these tools in place, you can streamline your camp management processes and ensure a smoother and more successful camp experience for your campers, parents and staff.

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