Don’t Forget These Must-Haves for Your Field Trip Permission Slips

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Planning a field trip is exciting, but it comes with a lot of responsibility. One thing you can’t afford to overlook? The field trip permission slip. This simple document can save you from a mountain of headaches, ensuring student safety, keeping parents informed, and covering all legal bases.

But what exactly should go on a field trip permission slip? Let’s walk through the must-haves to make sure your next trip is smooth and stress-free.

Key Information You Can’t Forget

A well-prepared permission slip does more than just ask for a parent’s signature. It gathers all the essential information needed to keep students safe and accounted for during the trip. 

Here’s what you need to include:

  • Full name of the student: This might sound obvious, but it’s the foundation of your permission slip. Make sure there’s space for each student’s full name.
  • Emergency contact details: Collect the parent’s or guardian’s phone numbers, email addresses, and any secondary emergency contacts. You never know when you’ll need to get in touch quickly.
  • Medical information: Does the student have allergies? Do they take any medications? Make sure you gather this information in case of emergencies.
  • Trip details: Clearly state the date, time, location, and purpose of the field trip. When is the group leaving? When will they return? How will they get there and back? It’s important that parents know all the details upfront.
  • Permission for transportation: Parents need to know how their child will be getting to and from the destination. Whether it’s by bus, carpool, or public transportation, get written consent for it.
  • Liability waiver: This can protect the school or organization from legal issues. A simple, clear statement can suffice. Something like: “I understand that [School/Organization Name] will not be held responsible for any injuries or accidents that may occur during the trip.”
  • Parent/Guardian signature: Finally, the all-important signature! This is the legal confirmation that the parent understands and agrees to the trip and any associated risks.

Pro Tip: Keep the language on the permission slip clear and easy to understand. If parents can’t follow what’s being asked, they might not sign or provide all the information you need.

Legal Considerations and Consent Forms

While field trips are fun, they also carry risks, which is why a solid permission slip includes some important legal protections for both the school and the parents. These forms go beyond permission—they ensure everyone is on the same page regarding responsibilities and liabilities.

Here are the three key types of consent to include:

3 types of consent forms for school field trips infographic

Medical Consent: This gives the school or organization permission to seek medical attention if the student is injured or sick during the trip.

Transportation Consent: As mentioned earlier, you need consent for how the students are getting to and from the field trip location.

Liability Waivers: This part is crucial to protect against lawsuits. Make sure you consult with legal advisors to ensure your wording is airtight. An example of wording you can use:

I understand that [School/Organization] will take every reasonable precaution to ensure the safety of my child. However, I release [School/Organization] from liability in case of accident or injury during the trip.

Remember, it’s also important to provide the permission slip in multiple languages if needed to ensure that all parents fully understand what they are signing.

Permission Slip Templates & Customization

One way to make life easier for teachers and administrators is by having a go-to template for field trip permission slips. A solid template saves time, reduces errors, and ensures you don’t forget any important details.

Here’s what a basic field trip permission slip should include:

  1. School/Organization Name
  2. Student Name
  3. Parent/Guardian Contact Info
  4. Emergency Contacts
  5. Trip Details (date, time, location, transportation)
  6. Medical Information (allergies, medications)
  7. Consent for transportation and medical treatment
  8. Liability waiver
  9. Parent/Guardian Signature and Date

You can customize this template depending on the trip. For example, if it’s an overnight trip, you’ll need to add information about accommodations, meal plans, and additional medical details.

Flexibility is key! For a simple local park visit, the form might only need a few details. But for a multi-day excursion, the permission slip should include everything from dietary restrictions to how students will check in with chaperones throughout the trip.

Digital Permission Slips: Why Go Paperless?

Let’s face it—keeping track of hundreds of paper permission slips can be a nightmare. Fortunately, more schools and organizations are moving toward digital permission slips, and for good reason!

Why go digital?

  • No more lost papers: No need to worry about students losing or forgetting permission slips at home. Parents can fill them out online in minutes.
  • Easier tracking: Digital slips can be automatically stored, tracked, and easily referenced at any time.
  • Immediate access for parents: If a parent needs to update their emergency contact or medical info last minute, they can do so without any hassle.
  • Automated reminders: With digital systems, like Regpack, you can automatically send reminders to parents who haven’t signed yet, ensuring you collect all slips on time.
  • Environmentally friendly: Less paper means less waste—a win for everyone.

By going paperless, schools can streamline the permission process, making it easier for both parents and administrators. No more messy paperwork—just click, fill, and submit.

How Regpack Can Help Streamline Your Permission Slips

Managing permission slips manually can be a huge time drain. Regpack makes it simple to create customizable permission slips, collect parent signatures, and track responses all from one easy-to-use platform.

With Regpack, you can:

  • Customize forms for different types of trips—whether it’s a one-day field trip or a week-long camp.
  • Automate reminders for parents who haven’t signed the permission slips yet, saving you hours of follow-up work.
  • Store medical and contact information in one secure place that can be easily accessed if an emergency arises.
  • Simplify payments by integrating payment collection with permission slips, so parents can pay for the trip right when they sign.

Bottom line: Regpack eliminates the paperwork headache, allowing your staff to focus on what matters—making sure your field trip runs smoothly and safely.

Learn More About Regpack’s Online Field Trip Registration Software 

Make Field Trips Easy with the Right Tools

With a well-designed permission slip, you can ensure all the necessary information is gathered and both students and staff are protected.

By incorporating the must-haves we’ve covered—clear contact information, medical details, legal waivers, and customizable templates—you’ll be prepared for a successful trip. And if you want to make the process even easier, going digital with Regpack is the way to go. It’s a hassle-free solution that takes the stress out of managing permissions, allowing you to focus on the fun parts of planning a field trip.

Contact Us Today 

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