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How to Use Instagram to Market Your Events

How to Use Instagram to Market Your Events - Finland

Pairing a well planned online marketing campaign during your registration season can help drive attendance to your organization’s events, courses or summer camp.

Most of us have heard the saying “A picture is worth 1,000 words”. Now more than 700 million active users use the pic based mobile app Instagram every month. A picture on Instagram is worth way more than 1,000 words.

With the increased time demands that we all face, Instagram can be an effective tool to quickly spread the word about your event or program. Can your organization benefit from using an engaging picture based social media platform to increase your registration numbers?

Below are 5 ways you can use Instagram as a marketing tool for your next event or program!


Use a pretty image in the background while sharing information with your target audience about upcoming events.  You can also periodically share your event flyer or other marketing materials you’ve created for other purposes.

Make sure to update the link in your profile to match your latest post – whether to your event website, or registration page. Instagram doesn’t allow you to put a live link in your photo description, but you can in your profile description. Use this thoughtfully!

Member Spotlights

Do you have members who enjoy selfies and have compelling stories to tell? Snap a pic or record them and upload. Nothing attracts new visitors like an awesome peer review!

Showcase Your Venue

Capture a great photo of the building right right before sunset? Did you capture a great picture of participants having a great time and working together? Post it!

Quotes and Weekly Messages

Do you have a reoccurring theme or a weekly message that you want to share? Pair it with beautiful pictures as backgrounds and share!

Go Live!

Record and share in real time. Instagram will notify users that you are live and that they should tune in! They won’t want to miss out on the next event!

Getting the Right Followers on Instagram

The best way to get the right Instagram followers is connecting with people who have attended your events. You can do this by:

Another excellent way to connect with your clients on social media, Instagram included, is to include fields in your registration to their social media profiles. As users register, you can search for them with the usernames provided and connect with them.

Help Drive EVENT REGISTRATION with Effective Marketing

With our friends at Venngage, we put together this awesome infographic, to sum up the best ways you can use Instagram to drive your event marketing.

Conclusion: Event Marketing Made Easy!

Once you have a great following, employing the suggestions above with different post types will keep followers engaged and informed about your upcoming events. Free event marketing!

Also take a look at our blog “How to Get More People Registering for Your Events”.


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