How to Craft an Incomplete Application Email: A Guide for Effective Communication

One of the best features when you have an automated online registration software is that you will see more completed applications. Furthermore, you will get payments faster and on time than you will with paper applications, phone applicants, or any other type of application process for that matter.

Although you will see quicker and more completed applications, it doesn’t always mean that each applicant will complete their application in one shot. So while the process is easier, it doesn’t remove the step of reminding applicants to finish up their application or make a payment. That’s where a good incomplete application email comes in.

Crafting an incomplete application email is a crucial task for many organizations, including educational institutions, financial institutions, and businesses that handle various application processes. Thankfully, with great online registration software, you can easily program your system to communicate with applicants without you lifting a finger.

When a user hasn’t completed a section of their application or when a payment is outstanding, having a triggered incomplete application email can be a great asset to gently encourage the applicant to complete what they are missing.

These emails can help correct problems in your application process and ensure that all necessary information is provided within limited circumstances. By doing so, you can streamline the review process and keep the application status updated, ultimately leading to more successful and timely completions.

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Understanding Incomplete Applications

An incomplete application refers to any application that lacks the necessary information or documents required to process or make a decision on the application.

elements of an incomplete application email infographic

Key Elements of an Incomplete Application:

  • Missing Information: Essential data like contact information, social security number, or financial aid documents.
  • Pending Documents: Awaiting items such as letters of recommendation, test scores, or official transcripts.
  • Unfulfilled Requirements: Such as not meeting the early action deadline or failing to pay the application fee.
  • Errors or Omissions: Any errors or omissions in the application form, such as blanks not filled in or requests not answered, which require additional or clarifying information.
  • Technical Issues: Problems with the online application portal, such as technical difficulties that prevent the submission of required documents or information.

What Makes a Good Incomplete Application Email?

The key to this message is including certain information that is easy to find and understand, so the applicant knows exactly what is expected of them.

Personalize the Email

Having an automated online registration software makes this simple. People like to read an email written specifically to them and are more likely to read it if it’s addressed to them. People tend to skim and sometimes completely skip emails that look like a bulk message. By filling in the blanks of the email with specific information, like their name, specific balance or forms they are missing they will be more likely to complete the application.

Having a List of What They Have and Haven’t Completed

This helps the reader get an idea of how much they need to complete and the investment of time they might have to make once they click on the link.

Making each item a link is also super convenient for the applicant. They can click directly on the form they need to complete and go from there, so they don’t have to search once they login what exact forms you were talking about.

Making sure the system presents the completed items in green and the incomplete in red is even more helpful. As we’ve mentioned, people tend to skim emails so color coding the most important part of the message, what they have and still need to complete, will help them focus on each action item.

Give Several Options to Go to Their Application

Many people, even if it’s addressed to them, will still skim the email so giving the link and repeating the action you’d like (go to their dashboard and finish!) is helpful. Also including the email they logged in with will help them to log in faster. This is an easy line of information to include if these messages are automated.

Elements of an Incomplete Application Email

When drafting an incomplete application email, clarity, politeness, and thoroughness are key. Here’s how to structure your email:

  • Subject Line: Ensure the subject line is clear and to the point, for example, “Action Required: Incomplete Application Notice.”
  • Greeting: Address the applicant by name to personalize the email, enhancing the overall tone and effectiveness of the communication.
  • Introduction: Clearly state the purpose of the email. Inform the applicant that their application is incomplete and specify the application to which you are referring.
  • Body: List the specific items or information that are missing. Use bullet points for clarity, and if possible, explain why each item is needed.
  • Call to Action: Provide clear instructions on how to submit the missing items. Include deadlines and contact information for assistance.
  • Closing: Thank the applicant for their attention to the matter and express hope for their continued interest in your institution.
  • Signature: Include a professional signature with your contact details.

Example of a Good Incomplete Application Email

example of an effective email infographic


What Does a Bad Incomplete Application Email Look Like?

example of a bad email infographic

Even though you already know what a good email looks like, take those skills and see how the email below is considered “bad”.

Dear Applicant,

We are writing to let you know you have yet to complete your application.


The Project Team

Why is this email bad?

  • The email isn’t addressed to a specific person
  • There are no links or other helpful information. Besides the email address it came from, there is no mention of any program titles, dates, or the name of the applicant.
  • There are no dates to let the reader know when the due date for the application.
  • There is just nothing personal about the message, which can lead to many people looking it over briefly and deleting it straight away.


An incomplete application email is more than just a notification; it’s an integral part of your institution’s communication strategy. It should be crafted to encourage a response and completion of the application process, maintaining a tone that is both professional and supportive. By following the guidelines outlined above, you can ensure that your emails are clear, informative, and effective in getting the necessary responses from applicants.

About The Author
Asaf Darash
CEO and Founder of Regpack

Asaf, Founder and CEO of Regpack, has extensive experience as an entrepreneur and investor. Asaf has built 3 successful companies to date, all with an exit plan or that have stayed in profitability and are still functional. Asaf specializes in product development for the web, team building and in bringing a company from concept to an actualized unit that is profitable.

What is Regpack?

Regpack is an online registration software that creates intelligent application processes with integrated payment processing.

Your Process, Automated
Find and create applicant groups according to YOUR needs. Automate your online registration.
Your Website, Our Technology
Don't send applicants away! Embed your process seamlessly onto your website.
Integrated Payment Processing
Applicants can pay easily within the registration process. Manage payments, send invoices, and more!
Save 60+ Admin Hours Every Month!
Online registration automation tools that work for you! Save time and work smarter.