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How to Write a Perfect Registration Follow Up Email

We’ve written just a few blog posts about how to communicate effectively with your clients (here, here and here) but we haven’t really gotten to the meat of things…what you ACTUALLY say in an email to a client when they complete (or don’t) an action during your registration process. But what about writing a follow up registration email to users to get them moving?

But actually sitting down to write the text of a registration email can be a bit daunting. What guidelines should you keep in mind as you compose your message?remind

In this first post in our “How-To” series on writing automated emails for your registration process, we are going to spotlight post registration emails, follow up registration emails and the steps you should follow when composing one. Check out more “how to” posts on how to write an incomplete application email and how to write a payment acknowledgement email here. There are tons of deadline email templates and deadline reminder emails out there but we hope this post will be more specific and relevant to those using online registration software specifically! 

An Example of a BAD Registration Email

bad email

First, let’s take a look at an example of a BAD email and then we’ll look at why it’s bad, then apply those concepts to an awesomely put together email.

Bonus! Feel free to use our email as a template and use it for yourself!

So at first glance you might be thinking, this is a pretty okay email. It is short and to the point, which is a definitely #1 on our list of boxes to tick when you’re composing your message. People don’t have time to read long, lengthy messages so you need to get to your point in the first line. This email does that since the first line alerts the reader that registration has been achieved.

But it is missing some key information that would take this email up a notch and make it more functional.

Now that we analyzed what is “wrong” with this message, let’s take look at a new draft of the email below.

Want some more great email template ideas? Download our FREE EBOOK full of email templates for every step in your registration process!

Examples of a GREAT Registration Email

So What is so great about this email?

Want some more great email template ideas? Download our FREE EBOOK full of email templates for every step in your registration process!

Another GREAT Follow Up Registration Email

Here’s another great example of a post registration email. The email follows the guidelines we discussed above. An added point for this email, it is written to an applicant attending a Jewish program. The email includes a few common Hebrew words which makes the email a bit more personal to the organization. You should always consider using phrases or words that will resonate with and are exclusive to your community.

Again, please feel free to use this email texts as a templates for your own post registration emails. Or copy and paste a sentence or phrase as it suits your needs.

Want some more great email template ideas? Download our FREE EBOOK full of email templates for every step in your registration process!

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