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Event Planning Checklist | Event Checklist | Free Download

Even seasoned event planners use a tried and true event checklist to make planning an event and staying organized easy.

We’ve worked with over 5,000 organizations who have put on thousands of events over the years. I’ve put together a basic event planning checklist that has all the things you need to consider, plan and do in preparation for, during and after your event.

I’ve passed this resource on to our clients over the years, and today I’m sharing it, FOR FREE, with you!

How to Use This Event Checklist

Event planning isn’t easy – whether it’s your first event or your 100th.

There are tons of tiny details and things to remember when planning your event. Not to mention, the things you need to do in the week leading up to your event, during, and after your event.

Sit down with the checklist and use the notes column to add any extra tasks that come to mind. Use our list, in a way, as a prompt for more specific details that are relevant for your event. No two events are the same, so our event checklist is really a guideline for you to get started. And if you need even more event planning tips, check out this great resource from EZ Cater as well as Wild Apricot’s complete event planning guide.

We’ve included some important tasks all event planners need on their event checklist, including:

You view the event checklist here. Feel free to download it, send it to a friend, and use it for your next event!

Event Task: Choose an Event Registration Software

One important task for any event planner is choosing the technology needed to run their event successfully.

Managing registration, ticket sales, and reporting is easy with the right software! Below are some key features you need when looking for an event software.

choose an event registration software

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