Top 5 Course Marketing Ideas

course marketing ideas


If you’re hoping to drum up some more business this year, working out a solid marketing strategy for your course is an absolute must.

It’s all just a matter of how you’re going to do it. And no, the answer is not sending out mass emails to every address in your database. Those are annoying, nobody actually looks at them, and harassing people to take courses they don’t want or need isn’t exactly a good way to cultivate a healthy relationship.

You’re better than that. Spam is where good business goes to die.

What you really need to do is work out a smarter system. You need to harness the power of data you already have. You need to stop cluttering up the inboxes of prospective customers and start marketing to people who genuinely want your services.

Email dormant customers

If you’ve got some customers in your database who once attended your trainings but haven’t shown up to anything in a while, you need to reach out to them and find out what’s up. Odds are they still really need a lot of the courses you have to offer, but they might be getting their training or working somewhere else.

You need to bring those people back.

If you have the right software, this is as simple as a couple clicks. Just filter out customers based on their last course registration, and send out a quick reminder email, maybe including some courses they might be interested in.

Know who you’ve already talked to

Again—and we cannot stress this enough—marketing is not the same thing as spam. No matter how fantastic your trainings are, nobody wants to be emailed too many times, and nobody wants to see the same email twice.

With the right software, this won’t even be a question anymore. You’ll be able to see exactly how often you’ve communicated with a customer, and you’ll be warned if you’re trying to send someone the same email.

Mention similar courses

If somebody has had training with you in the past, odds are really dang good they’re not done with training forever. You just need to remind them of all the courses you have available. Filter out groups based on courses your customers have taken, and send them out emails with complementary courses or more advanced courses.

Smart businesspeople want what you have to offer. Just give them the nudge they need.

Organize your communication

Now, make no mistake—all this personalized marketing is going to take a lot of organization. That’s why you really need software to help you out.

Agile, automatic communication software will allow you to put all of your email templates in the same place, and you’ll also be able to set up triggers to send emails to clients once a certain action is performed. People say it’s impossible to be everywhere at once, but with the right software, you can be.

Target the right times

When it comes to marketing, some times of the year are always better than others. Some of the best times to focus yourself are towards the end of the financial period, during businesses’ least busy times of the year, or when new legislation or guidelines are released.

A good marketing campaign always has its finger on the pulse of its customers’ businesses.


With these five simple marketing ideas, you’ll be expanding your customer base in no time. By focusing your marketing and rethinking your organization, you’ll run cleaner, more persuasive, and more effective campaigns. Don’t let opportunity pass you by.

About The Author
Asaf Darash
CEO and Founder of Regpack

Asaf, Founder and CEO of Regpack, has extensive experience as an entrepreneur and investor. Asaf has built 3 successful companies to date, all with an exit plan or that have stayed in profitability and are still functional. Asaf specializes in product development for the web, team building and in bringing a company from concept to an actualized unit that is profitable.

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