Camp Eagle
Camp Registration Software For Camp Eagle and Stratford Academy
Camp Eagle has been a client of Regpack since 2014.
They previously managed registration with a service included by their website provider but needed something with a little more power and flexibility.
After years of using Regpack, not only are they happy customers, they have come up with some pretty unique solutions for their summer camp and programs.
Your camp changes lives. Let us change yours.
Tell Me a Little Bit about Your Camp and the Programs that You are Running
Camp Eagle is designed to provide enrichment during the summer as well as having a lot of fun!
We try to balance academics and athletics with a fun time. Camp runs for eight weeks and we open our registration in December. Campers range from 3 to 17 years old.
Were You Using Another Online System Before You Switched? What Was the Prompt to Find a New Solution?
We were using form manager through our website provider and they ultimately directed us to you. I needed a solution that would allow me to have the multiple camps and to take cards and credit cards online.
The Regpack team was very hands-on and very helpful with me over Christmas break while I was trying to get things up and running, which meant a lot.
How Has Regpack’s Family Feature Made Your Process Easier?
Family registration allows for people to register with all of their children online. That was a big part of it that we couldn’t do before and that made things easier for me.
On opening day of camp, I didn’t have to collect money or wait for people to send their money in after the fact. This helped to alleviate a lot of stress.
Regpack also archives the family information, which is beneficial so that I can go back to previous years and still have access to my data.
Did You Have Problems with People Paying or Does it Just Alleviate Grunt Work On Your End?
The grunt work is the big thing for us. Payment is the last thing that parents think about when dropping their kids off. Providing a way to do this online before camp started made our jobs easier.
Is Embedded Registration Just a Nice Perk or Something That is Really Valuable to You?
Embedded registration is very valuable because we want everything on our branding. We worked very hard on our website. Our website manager spent two years rebuilding our website. So having the option to have Regpack on our website is a nice perk.
You Use the Email Feature A lot. How Is it Useful for Handling Registration?
A good example is over this past spring break. I was browsing to see how camp registration numbers were doing I noticed that there were a couple of camps that were reaching their maximum capacity. There were people who had put sessions in their cart but hadn’t paid. Regpack made it easy to filter for those people and email them directly to remind them to pay in order to reserve their spot and not miss out if the camp filled up.
We also use the email function to send a camp email on the Thursday prior to camp starting on Monday with directions about drop-off and pick-up, what to wear, snacks, asking for allergy alerts – even though that’s in the registration it’s always nice to ask that one more time. If there’s art to pick up, we have a ceramics camp, we can send directions for that as well. Regpack makes it easy to filter for those families and email them directly.
How Has the Auto-bill Pay Feature Been Valuable?
Sales has found automatic billing to be very beneficial!
How are Reports helpful for your day-today administration?
I create rosters to give to all the camp directors and I include the allergy list on there, the contact information and other details they might need.
I also create attendance reports, which allows me to see who did not attend so I can reach out to those families directly.
If You Were Talking to Another Professional In Your Field, Would You Recommend Regpack and if So, What Would You Say to Them?
I would recommend Regpack for someone who manages multiple camps and after school programs. The ease of Regpack allows people to register easily and payments are a breeze!
I would recommend Regpack for someone who manages multiple camps and after school programs.

We’ve included some important tasks all camps should have, including:
- Curriculum
- Rosters
- Student forms
- Emergency contact information
- Staff / Volunteer Selection
- Multiple child sign-ups
- Multiple payment methods
About Camp Eagle
Regpack has helped thousands of organizations like yours.
Attendee satisfaction from the registration process (!!!)

on avg to complete complex tasks

support cases per admin on avg.
Regpack also archives the family information,
which is beneficial so that I can go back to previous years and still have access to my data.