Hope College Basketball Camp
Client Spotlight: Hope College Basketball Camp
We’ve been working with the team at Hope College Basketball Camp since January of 2013. They offer basketball camps for boys and girls in Holland, MI. After using only paper applications for some time, Liz Moorehouse, co-owner of the camp decided it was time for a change. She found Regpack and as they say: “the rest is history”.
Liz and Hope Basketball Camps use Regpack to manage their player registration. Regpack allows them to easily capture background details, parent information, medical information, sign a medical release waiver and select which programs they’d like to participate in. Regpack also handles payments for the camp.
Liz has enjoyed having all her information online to easily run reports for herself and her coaches and track her financials easier than with her previous system. Regpack’s email system has been helpful and has allowed Liz to communicate with her families more effectively. And now that Liz has been using the system with her campers for a few years, returning families can easily log back into the system and make a payment without messing with registration in full year after year, which is a time saver for everyone!
Liz was gracious enough to take some time out of her busy season to chat with us about how she found Regpack and what she loves most about using the system. Check out what she has to say below!
“We were not using an online system. Everything was done through the mail. Clearly, we needed to change.”
Hi Liz! Tell me a bit about your role at Hope College Basketball Camps and your role.
I am co-owner and manager of Hope College Basketball Camps. I organize registration and do the accounting portion of the business.
What registration system were you using before Regpack? What wasn’t working with that process?
We were not using an online system. Everything was done through the mail. Clearly, we needed to change. I did a lot of research into 6 different companies. Regpack gave us what we needed for the best price.
What made you seek out Regpack for your camp registration?
I found out about Regpack from doing online research. I called and spoke with many different representatives from various online services. Regpack without a doubt was the most customer user friendly. They were patient with me as I asked many questions and the options for online sign-ups made it a perfect match for our camp.
What is your favorite feature about Regpack’s software?
Our camp ‘season’ begins in January with registration and we are able to ‘close the books’ on camps by the last day of July. That means our registration system sits unused for 6 months out of the year. We are able to turn off our use of Regpack during the dormant months and not be charged for unused time.
I also appreciate the ease in which I can send different emails to different groups of campers for different purposes.
How has having the ability to track financials impacted your work flow?
Tracking financial records is a great time saver. I spend half the time I used to tracking down checks and making sure deposits are made in a timely fashion. I appreciate the record keeping the system does for us.
Regpack allows you to run an infinite amount of reports. How are you using this for your coaches?
Each day we run a record of who is going to be at camp, we are also able to run a record for the trainers on site with the campers medical information, which is much easier to find and track down then a pile of medical release forms that needs to be filtered through. We are also able to update reports on site and reprint team lists if necessary depending on attendance for a day.
Would you recommend Regpack to other camps and organizations? Why?
Absolutely. The tech support received is unbelievable. If I have a question or concern about a portion of the Regpack, there is an extensive help site that often easily walks me through how to solve the problem. I have also emailed the company with specific questions about our Regpack and if it is during business hours, I will have a response within 1/2 hour, if it is after hours, I often have a response within 10 hours. The customer service is second to none.
The tech support received is unbelievable.

We’ve included some important tasks all school programs should have, including:
- Curriculum
- Rosters
- Student forms
- Emergency contact information
- Staff / Volunteer Selection
- Multiple child sign-ups
- Multiple payment methods
About Hope College Camp
Regpack has helped thousands of organizations like yours.
Attendee satisfaction from the registration process (!!!)

on avg to complete complex tasks

support cases per admin on avg.
Tracking financial records is a great time saver.
I spend half the time I used to tracking down checks and making sure deposits are made in a timely fashion.