Camp Registration Software Comparison: Regpack vs Bunk1

Read our camp management software reviews to make a smarter decision.

Evaluating camp registration software can be overwhelming. The list of options, features and “tools” seems never-ending. Every software seems to offer something slightly different. So figuring out what you NEED and which software can give that to you can sometimes be difficult.

A good first start is finding a resource that compares several options against the same set of features. Capterra is an awesome resource, as are other software comparison sites.

You can see a full comparison of the most popular camp registration software here. There is a great chart in that post, which I’ve copied below as well for easy reference.

Remember that just because one software has more red checks than the other doesn’t mean it isn’t as good. Figuring out FIRST what you need from a software, and then finding a software that provides solutions is more valuable than a software with a long list of features.

Also, in some cases, 2 software options will offer the same thing, but one functions and acts much better than the other. A simple “check” can be good, bad, or neither!

Regpack has many features Bunk1 doesn’t, like embedded registration and transparent pricing.

Bunk1 however has some great parent tools like photo sharing and sending camper notes that Regpack doesn’t.

Compare Regpack and Bunk1 camp registration softwares.

This very big difference in offerings is a great example of understanding your needs vs your wants. Camper notes sound awesome, but if you don’t also have the ability to embed on your website, and if that is more important to you, you need to go with a software that provides this option!

What camp registration features do you really need?

In the chart below, you’ll find the most common needed camp software features that many prioritize when looking for registration software.

camp software comparison

The best way for any camp to answer this question is to create your own “wish list” of camp registration software features. Focus on the problems you have that you need software to solve. For example, if you have a problem collecting payments on time, a software that offers automatic billing can help solve this problem. Therefore, “automatic billing” is a software feature on your list. Any software that doesn’t provide this, is essentially not offering a solution to a very real problem.

Download a free camp registration software guide ebook.

Be careful to separate your list between “needs” and “wants”. It’s one thing to want a certain ability, it’s another when you have a problem and need a feature as a solution to address it. After you get what you need, narrowing your list is easier based on your wants and budget.

#1 Feature: Registration Embedded on YOUR Camp Website

As you can see, Regpack is the ONLY option to consider if embedding your registration is a “must” feature. This feature is clearly unique in the camp software space.

Instead of redirecting parents to a 3rd party registration site to complete their forms and payments, a software that allows you to embed means you can host those forms right on your website. So parents never leave your URL in order to complete registration and make a payment.

This is great for a few options. One, your parents already trust you and your brand. When registration takes place on your website, you will have higher completion rates and payment rates. Second, your registration will keep with your branding, color scheme and style since it is sitting on your website. This makes it simple, and affordable, to connect your registration process with your website!

Embedding doesn’t cost extra and there is always an option not to embed, and use the software as a host for registration and payments.

Compare Bunk1 and Regpack Pricing

Read our camp management software reviews to compare prices.

There is no pricing rates availbale online for Bunk1 so comparing the cost with Regpack isn’t possible.

Regpack’s pricing is posted on their website, so it’s easy to see what it all costs. With Regpack, pricing is per admin, not per camper. You pay $89+ per month, per admin. You can view Regpack’s complete pricing here.

Monthly Contracts

Check out these reviews to find a camp management software with the right contract structure for you.

Again, we don’t know if Bunk1 offers monthly or yearly pricing, as their pricing and contracts aren’t posted.

With Regpack, there are no annual contracts. You pay per month and can cancel at anytime. Annual discounts are available, but annual contracts aren’t required.

Having month to month options for software is critical for smaller camps, as it can help save money in the off season when the software isn’t needed. Pay for what you need, and not for what you don’t!

Conditional Logic

Choose a camp management software with good registration reviews.

Conditional logic exists for most online camp registration software, however, the degree to which it’s incorporated varies on the software.

The basic definition is that the answer to one question can trigger another question to be answered. For example, if you answer “yes” to “Does the camper have any allergies?”, a new question asking for more details will appear. If the answer is “no”, then the form will move on to the next question.

Regpack takes conditional logic a step further to allow you to apply conditional logic on any data point in your database. This includes logic on products, forms, campers, payment plans and more.

You can also use the conditional logic engine to stack conditions. Essentially this means you can filter for multiple data points, for example: a camper who is 8 years old, paid their deposit and is registered for Week 2.

This ability is very powerful and is so helpful when managing camp registration, payments, targeted emails and more.

How do I choose the right camp registration software?

Once you figure out what you need in a software, schedule a few demos! This is the best way to ask questions, get a feel for the company and see what product live – both the front and back ends.

Make sure to ask questions, including:

  1. What are ALL costs – including per month, setup fees, payment processing costs, etc.
  2. What contracts do you offer? Yearly, Monthly? 30 day money back?

Understanding the real cost of your software is crucial when making a decision!

If you’re still looking for other camp suggestions, head over to our comprehensive guide to summer camp management software options and read through our thoughts.

Automate your camp registration process with Regpack.


About The Author
Asaf Darash
CEO and Founder of Regpack

Asaf, Founder and CEO of Regpack, has extensive experience as an entrepreneur and investor. Asaf has built 3 successful companies to date, all with an exit plan or that have stayed in profitability and are still functional. Asaf specializes in product development for the web, team building and in bringing a company from concept to an actualized unit that is profitable.

What is Regpack?

Regpack is an online registration software that creates intelligent application processes with integrated payment processing.

Your Process, Automated
Find and create applicant groups according to YOUR needs. Automate your online registration.
Your Website, Our Technology
Don't send applicants away! Embed your process seamlessly onto your website.
Integrated Payment Processing
Applicants can pay easily within the registration process. Manage payments, send invoices, and more!
Save 60+ Admin Hours Every Month!
Online registration automation tools that work for you! Save time and work smarter.