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Summer Camp Fundraising Ideas and Tips: The Ultimate Guide

Summer camp fundraising can be fun and easy with our guide.

If you run a non-profit camp, fundraising is a key element to ensuring your camp can run.

Your fundraising needs and how you meet them will vary based on the goals of your organization and the way in which it runs its camp program.

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This guide to fundraising efforts includes the top ways fundraising for your camp can be particularly effective. As you read, think about how you can personalize them and really make them your own. After all, reminding others of your brand and your goals is always important, especially when asking for funds.

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Camp fundraising always begins with who you know.

Start your summer camp fundraiser with people you know.

The best place to start fundraising is through peer fundraising, asking people who already are or have been involved with your camp.

Think of people like the parents of current campers. Many family members have the resources to donate funds in addition to camp fees, and put in the perspective of giving back to the community, can be an effective source of income.

Including a donation section or a donation page in your registration gives families the option to include this when registering for camp, and doesn’t require a special campaign or additional marketing efforts. Make sure your summer camp registration software allows your staff to give camp parents the option to give back to your camp.

It helps to put a value to pre-set amounts which can help with the success of your campaign. For example, $100 will buy x amount of new equipment for this activity or $500 sponsors one family in need for a summer, etc.

When donors and families understand where their money will go, they are more inclined to give.

When fundraising for your camp, start with the people you know.

And because their child or children is currently attending the camp and may do so again in the future, they have a vested interest in making the camp a success.

Another group of potential donors are families that have previously had children attend your camp, or even people who attended your camp as children, if your camp has been around long enough. These groups may no longer be directly experiencing the benefits of their donation but may be eager to help you out if they enjoyed the experience when they were young.

Send out summer camp fundraising letters to your community.

Summer camp fundraising letters or emails are a great way to reach out to potential donors, especially if you have a large number of them.

You can easily use your registration software to filter and find the families you want to target, and quickly send a personalized email in bulk. This makes the marketing and time investment low, with hopefully a high return rate.

If you really want to dig deep in this medium, consider sending 2-3 versions of the donation request email and see which version gets you the biggest return. A/B testing can help you nail down the best way to reach out to your email list that will net you the best donation amounts.

Sending hand-written letters, though more expensive and time intensive, can be a great way to connect with donors. This would also be a great camp activity this summer – younger kids can decorate letters during camp to help prep for the fall season of fundraising.

Sending letters, including hand-written letters if possible, can be a great way to connect with donors.

Sending physical letters takes more time and money than sending emails, so consider only sending them to people who have given in the past and are likely to give again. The personal touch goes a long way.

This would also be a great camp activity during summer – kids can decorate letters, older ones can write “why they love camp” and use these materials to send out letters. You can also create one big art project and then use a photograph of the piece as the artwork for letters.

Vistaprint is an awesome resource to upload and customize cards. Order in bulk and you always have a card to grab to send a quick handwritten note.

Unique Fundraising Ideas for All Seasons

Fundraising for your summer camp should be a year-round process of communicating with donors, following up on past supporters, and stewarding those who have already given.

Summer camp fundraiser 1: Host a phone-a-thon

Phone calls can be effective because they are more personal. A great way to cut down on the time investment of calling several donors, consider doing a phone-a-thon with your staff!

Order some pizzas and call through your list of potential or promising donors to see if you can inspire them to give through your directness.

Summer camp fundraiser 2: Host a fundraising event

A gala, party, silent auction, or “night on the town” event is a great way to see donors face-to-face, get people together to network, and bring in funds!

If you’re going to throw fundraising activities like a dinner, ask for donations or a small fee for each plate. This will give your donors a time to mingle and for you to show your appreciation but it won’t mean that your fundraising dollars feed the donors. In effect, a dinner managed in this way is both a way of saying thank you and possibly a way of raising a little more money.

If throwing a gala is out of your wheel house or doesn’t offer a solid ROI, many times the best way to fundraise are through odd jobs. Consider a bake sale, car wash, or an online auction. Or, consider inviting donors to camp events like celebrations that you would be having anyway to celebrate the opening or closing of your camp for the season or to other special events like parent-and-family days. These will allow them to see the good that their donations are doing without the added cost of parties.

Summer camp fundraiser 3: Take advantage of holidays.

Days like Giving Tuesday and Make A Difference Day can be excellent opportunities for you to ask for donations for your camp.

Consider thinking outside of the box a little bit by asking for donations around important “birthdays” or anniversaries for your camp. Create a fundraising page on your website or promote it on your social media to expand your reach!

You can even make a special event out of these milestones as a different way to fundraise, including matching goal donations with the milestone ($10,000 for your ten-year anniversary, etc). Fundraising goals always get people motivated and have a specific number in mind to work towards.

Summer camp fundraiser 4: Apply for grants

Funding doesn’t only have to come from individuals. You might want to consider applying for grants as well. This is particularly true for non-profit camps. If you are familiar with looking for grants, consider staring at sites like Otherwise, consider contacting your local businesses and charitable organizations.

These groups can often point you in the right direction but may also have resources to help you get started.

Summer camp fundraiser 5: Offer public classes.

You already teach children all sorts of skills at summer camp – hiking, campfire cooking, horseback riding, arts and crafts, or even instruments and music theory. Raise money in the off-season by offering these lessons to others in your community!

Summer camp fundraiser 5: Get Volunteers!

A few times a year, consider asking people to donate their time doing things like cleaning or maintaining your camp.

As long as you don’t make it sound like too much of a commitment and provide a few refreshments these can be another fun way for your donors to mingle and see how their donations are helping the camp. Having your donors do some work can also cut your costs without just asking people for money.

This kind of activity is also good for people who don’t (or can’t) give money but would like to help your camp in other ways. It’s also a great way for families who want to contribute back to the camp, and show their kids how to contribute to their community, so everyone wins!

Summer Camp Fundraising Best Practice: Always Say Thank You

Fundraising is first and foremost about relationships, and you can create lasting relationships with donors by always saying thank you!

Letters, calls and direct emails aren’t just a good way to ask for donation, but a good way to say “thank you” as well.

More elaborate options include throwing a gala or party for your donors to say thanks, and also a great fundraising opportunity too. When donors feel appreciated, it keeps the conversation and the donations coming!

Fundraising is a constant circle of asking, celebrating and thanking!

Fundraising for your camp can be a daunting task.

By going about it in a way that suits your needs and those of your donors, however, it doesn’t have to be hard and sometimes it can even be fun. Promote your fundraising activities and efforts on your social media accounts, get the word out there and fundraise!

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