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Top 5 Ways to Automate Your Event Management Process

Top 5 Ways to Automate Your Event Management Process

If you’re like most people, there are probably a lot of times when you feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the week to get done everything that’s expected of you.

Event management is a taxing job, and with so many things to keep track of, it just makes sense for you to look for as many time-saving opportunities as you can.

By opting for smarter automating technologies, you can cut way down on the monotonous, bookkeeping-type aspects of your job and spend more time on the things that really need your attention.

Automation can help you streamline pretty much every part of your job.

Automatic Price Adjustments

One of the biggest ways better tech can help your improve your process is through the magic of automatic price adjustments.

These can help in a lot of different ways. First of all, they make it easy for you to differentiate between speaker and attendee pricing. You shouldn’t have to have two different systems for the two groups of people signing up for your event. Wouldn’t it make more sense to just get one software that could do it all?

Another advantage to automatic price adjustments is that they make discounts ridiculously easy.

Want an early bird discount for attendees who sign up before a certain date? You’ve got it. Want to send out limited-time-only discount codes to drive up excitement? The right software will let you have that, too.

Automatic price adjustments make you smarter, faster, and more versatile in every way.

Saved Custom Reporting

Saved customer reporting is another great way to up your productivity.

A good system will let you get the data you need in any situation at the touch of a button. Don’t bother fooling around with spreadsheets on Excel—that’s time-consuming, and a huge waste of your mental effort.

Good software is an invaluable tool when it comes to accessing and understanding your data. In addition to seeing the raw reports, you’ll also be able to effortlessly compile your information into charts and graphs.

Everything makes more sense when you can actually see it.

Automatic Billing

Billing is a headache for us all, but the better you automate your software, the easier this part of your job becomes.

You shouldn’t have to be running around emailing people just to get the money they owe your organization.

Automated billing takes out the possibility of human forgetfulness and error. People can set up payment plans that’ll automatically transfer money whenever they’re supposed to, which just makes this whole process easier for everyone involved.

The right software can also trigger automated invoices whenever somebody makes a payment. No more wasted time, no more tedious tasks.

Waitlist Functionality

Good software will also let you set up automated waitlists, which are virtually indispensable for any efficient event management process.

You’ve got a lot of people signing up for these events, and there will always be times when more people want to sign up for a time slot than you can actually handle. Instead of sending these willing customers away, automated waitlists let people know they’ve still got a chance.

Not only does this make it better for your attendees (since a couple people always end up cancelling), but it makes life easier on your end, too.

You don’t need to worry about losing money whenever anybody drops out. Instead, that slot will automatically get filled—so that’s more money in your wallet, and more people in the times they wanted.

Paperless Signatures

E-signatures are another handy way to optimize your event management process.

Paper forms are a headache for everyone. Not only does the customer typically have to take time out of their day to print them and then scan or mail them in, but you will also often have to take time fiddling around with physical filing systems.

More wasted time!

Paperless signatures simplify everything. You get to keep all your forms in one place, and your clients get to spend a little less time dealing with this stuff.


All in all, you want automation to be as fully integrated into your event management process as possible.

The more you have automated, the less you and your attendees have to do. Automation means fewer headaches on your part, less wasted time, and more efficient organization.
Don’t be afraid to see just how far automation can take you!

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