Looking for an alternative to Regfox?

Event Registration Comparison: Cvent vs. Regpack - Software

Finding the perfect registration software for your company can be a pretty daunting task. There are just so many options out there, and they all offer so many features with so many specialized names.

How can you be sure what company is the right fit for you, when everything looks so similar? How can you know the software you settle on is going to meet your specific needs?

Well, for starters, you can click here to check out a full comparison of all the most popular registration systems right now. In this post in particular, we’ll be keying in on just two sites: Regpack and RegFox.

Now, it’s always important to keep in mind that just because a company seems to offer more features, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be the best fit for you. Remember, you should always put the needs of your company first.

After all, a long list of features doesn’t mean much if you don’t use half of them!

Also keep in mind that, just because one particular feature seems to be similar across two event registration software systems, that doesn’t mean your experience with those systems is actually going to be the same.

Some systems work a lot better than others – you certainly know this if you’ve ever been frustrated by your technology!

As you can see, Regpack offers many features that RegFox does not, including full website integration (more on that in a bit).

Compare Regpack and Regfox Pricing

Regfox uses a “pay per attendee” model. They charge $.99 per attendee. If you are processing payments, they offer 2.99% payment processing as well. Processing fees start at 1.5% with Regpack.

Comparatively, Regpack’s pricing model is a “pay per admin” model. Instead of paying for every attendee you have, you pay for the number of admins you need to manage the event. Pricing starts at $89/month per admin. This model is the more “fair” model of all software pricing models out there, as it scales better for organizations. A small organization with a small budget, only pays for 1 admin and larger organizations with a bigger budget, pays for more.

Regfox’s $.99 per registrant fee can get pricey if you are a small organization wanting to throw a large event. With Regpack, your admin fee stays low, no matter how many people register.


Both companies offer month-to-month pricing, so you aren’t locked into a contract. This is awesome, since many event software choices on the market only offer annual plans, like Cvent, Regonline and etouches.

Organizations can find contract only options frustrating if they aren’t happy with the software, they have to “live with it” for a year or more before moving on.

Regpack and Regfox make it easy to leave if it isn’t working out for you, which saves time and money.

Differences Between Regpack and Regfox

Embedded Registration

One main feature difference between Regfox and Regpack’s event management system is the ability to embed registration on your event website. Regpack allows you to place the registration forms on your website with a simple snippet of code. You can also host your registration with Regpack. Embedding can help increase your registration by 27%!

Regfox offers templates and customization tools to make your registration look and feel like your own website. But after spending lots of money and time building your own website, why build another one just for your registration?

Think about your own experiences clicking around on websites. What kind of an experience works better for you—when everything is already right there on your screen, or when you have to get redirected to a third-party site?

If you’re like most people, you’d probably pick the first one if you could. You’re usually on a website because you trust it. You trust it’s brand, and it just feels weird to have to go somewhere else for function you thought that website was supposed to be providing.

This is especially important when you start getting into things like registration. Registration systems often require you to enter in some personal information, and you probably don’t want your clients to feel like they’re having to go through some other business just to provide you with that.

RegFox doesn’t have website integration, but Regpack does.

Check-In App

Regfox offers a check-in app for your mobile device this means that you or your attendees need to download an app onto your phone. This can be nice, but not necessary for all events and an additional feature to pay for.

Regpack is mobile optimized right in the browser. In order for your attendees to check in all they need to do it go to your site and access the registration page. The system will auto-detect that they are within the timeframe that the can check in and will send them to that option right away. Nothing to download, it just works.

You can also log in to the backend dashboard and check registrants in from any device: mobile, tablet, or laptop. Data is stored in the cloud, and updated in real time.

Regpack and Regfox Similar Features

Regpack and Regfox both offer:

  • Event Registration
  • Form Builder
  • Event Payment Processing
  • Mobile Optimization
  • Check-In
  • Custom Branding + Hosted Templates
  • Email Tools and Communication
  • Membership Management
  • Badge Printing
  • No contracts
  • No cancellation fees
  • Data exports
  • And more!

Conditional Logic on ANY DATA POINT

Conditional logic just means the ability to show something, like a form or product, when the user answered a certain way on a previous question or meets a specific criteria. For example, adding a form to the registration process if they select a specific product requiring extra information.

Both Regpack and RegFox market their “conditional logic engine,” but the way the two companies use it is very different.

On RegFox, conditional logic applies only to forms. What an applicant enters into a form changes the questions they see, so they don’t have to waste time looking at questions that don’t pertain to them.

Regpack takes it one step further, though. Regpack applies the concept of conditional logic to payment plans, specific products, schedules, and even pricing—including triggered discounts that completely personalize the process for every applicant.

At every step in the process, Regpack’s conditional logic is much more individualized.

Recommendation: Regpack vs. Regfox

Think a lot about your event, number of attendees, the level of automation you are looking for and the logic you want to implement.

Since each company offers different pricing models, you might find that one pricing model makes more sense for your event than the other.

Regpack and Regfox have many similar features, so the best thing to do is do a demo with each company. Demos are a great opportunity to really see the system in action, and ask questions specific to your process to see if what you need can be done by the company.

You can also take your personal registration number and processing amounts, and “plug” them into Regfox and Regpack’s pricing structure, and see which company offers a better deal for you.

Both Regox and Repack offer an affordable registration software option, with no contracts, and no penalization for cancelling.

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What registration features do you actually need?

In the chart below, we’ve laid out some of the most popular features between Regpack and Regfox.

The features included in this chart are the most common priorities most business have when looking for quality software.

regfox vs regpack

The best way to figure out what you want from your event management software is usually to just sit down and work out your personal “wish list” of features. You want to focus on working out two things: what you want your registration software to do, and what you need your registration software to do.

Keep in mind that this whole process is all about you. What would be the best event management software for you company?

Never let your attention slip from that essential question.


So, which registration software is right for you?

Let the systems speak for themselves! Come up with a list of things you hope to get out of your investment, and try contacting the companies to see if you can get demo.

Remember that your needs are key here. Never compromise when it comes to registration!

About The Author
Asaf Darash
CEO and Founder of Regpack

Asaf, Founder and CEO of Regpack, has extensive experience as an entrepreneur and investor. Asaf has built 3 successful companies to date, all with an exit plan or that have stayed in profitability and are still functional. Asaf specializes in product development for the web, team building and in bringing a company from concept to an actualized unit that is profitable.

What is Regpack?

Regpack is an online registration software that creates intelligent application processes with integrated payment processing.

Your Process, Automated
Find and create applicant groups according to YOUR needs. Automate your online registration.
Your Website, Our Technology
Don't send applicants away! Embed your process seamlessly onto your website.
Integrated Payment Processing
Applicants can pay easily within the registration process. Manage payments, send invoices, and more!
Save 60+ Admin Hours Every Month!
Online registration automation tools that work for you! Save time and work smarter.