Canterbury School

Affordable Camp Registration: Spotlight on Canterbury School

Now in their second summer of using Regpack for their camp registration needs, Canterbury School in Greensboro, North Carolina is one happy customer! They moved from a paper process to Regpack’s affordable camp registration software after realizing the paper process was a pain for both their office and parents!

Kevin Brenner, the Academic Dean at Canterbury, spoke with us about how he is using Regpack and the problems Regpack’s software has solved. Everyone who works in Canterbury’s summer programs is doing so in addition to their full-time jobs at the school, so they needed a solution that would help streamline registration for them for the families participating, as well as save them time.

Going from complicated paper registration to simplified and affordable camp registration software has made a big difference.

Read on to learn more about Regpack’s partnership with Canterbury School! And thanks to Kevin for taking the time to chat with us!

“It is the simplest, most affordable and effective option we have found.”

Tell me a bit about yourself and Canterbury School.

I have been working with our summer camps program for three years. Canterbury is a PreK-8th grade Episcopal day school in Greensboro, NC.

What did your process look like before switching to Regpack?

We took paper forms and checks and had to enter each student onto a spreadsheet roster for every registration. The business office had to deal with all of the checks.

What about that process caused you to seek out an affordable camp registration online solution?

Our former solution was just much more complicated for us, and at least a bit more complicated for parents. It was a pain for parents to print out a form and write a check. We just know how cumbersome it was because of how cumbersome it was on our end! Once getting over the learning curve for both, the Regpack solution is quicker and simpler for all.

Moving online also helped to alleviate several challenges. It was complicated for us before because we have full-time jobs in addition to directing summer camp. Therefore, processing 300+ paper forms and adding kids and all of their form details manually onto spreadsheets was insane!

Did you consider any other registration software in addition to Regpack? What sold you on working with Regpack?

Yes. Regpack’s features and pricing were in the middle of the solutions we investigated.

What are the benefits you’ve seen since switching to Regpack in terms of your communication with families?

Love the ability to email directly from the system. This gives us the opportunity to communicate more regularly and effectively.

How has the customer service experience with Regpack been?

Fantastic. I cannot say enough positive about Carina and the support team.

If you were talking with other schools or camp directors who are considering using a registration software, what advice would you give them? Would you recommend Regpack?

I have been recommending Regpack to all who ask about possible online registration and payment solutions. It is the simplest, most affordable, and effective option we have found!

I cannot say enough positive about Carina and the support team.

We’ve included some important tasks all organizations offering courses need on their checklist, including:

  • Multiple course options
  • Spot limitation
  • Attendance trackers
  • Course schedules
  • Multiple payment options
  • User-friendly registration processes
  • Email communication standards

About Canterbury School

Regpack has helped thousands of organizations like yours.


Attendee satisfaction from the registration process (!!!)



on avg to complete complex tasks



support cases per admin on avg.

Our former solution was just much more complicated for us,

and at least a bit more complicated for parents. It was a pain for parents to print out a form and write a check.

About The Author