Christian Camp & Conference Association

Annual Conference Registration Spotlight: CCCA

Regpack has partnered with CCCA to help their conference team manage their annual conference.

Reilly, the Admin for CCCA’s Regpack account, describes their annual conference as, “a meeting once a year after the summer camp season has ended. It’s a chance just reconnect with one another, trying to encourage each other and just have a chance to getaway. It’s a nice time of fellowship and encouragement, and also gaining knowledge through various speakers, meeting new vendors for things that could be helpful, and just the time to get together.”

They began working with Regpack as a way to streamline their conference registration for attendees and vendors and make reporting easier for the conference team.

Reilly says that until using Regpack, there wasn’t a lot of “consistency” with registration, since each host camp (the site of the conference annually) managed event registrations on their own.

Event planning isn’t easy – let us help you.

What caused the shift from paper to a more streamlined registration approach?

Consistency is the key. It was enough for us to realize that we need to have more consistency year to year. I was the one signing up and setting up registration. And getting feedback from the signup process. It seemed like most people liked the process after we switched to Regpack.

It was easy for them to navigate and I really didn’t have to answer too many questions like, what am I supposed to do here? what am I supposed to do there? And so, for at least one year that was marked improvement from prior years.

How did the reporting within the system help before, during, and after the conference?

We were able to collect information from attendees we were never able to collect before. The ability to keep on eye on the numbers are we got closer to the event, who is able to come, which camps are represented. That was vital to the event planning.

The reports allowed me to share that information to the rest of the cabinet and get everyone aware of who is expected to attend. In the past, the host camp who managed registration didn’t always have the resources to share those numbers with the event committee before the event, so it was nice to be able to see what was going on in real time.

I was able to provide weekly updates to the team and also use who I DIDN’T see on the list, and use that as a jumping off point to reach out and see if they need anything, need any help, or just a friendly reminder to register.

Regpack allowed us to approach the conference as a whole much more confidently.

How did the onboarding and project building process with our team go?

Looking at the frequently asked questions or little tips in the knowledge center was really helpful.

Also conversations with our Project Manager, Nicole, was helpful in answering questions as we built out the system. I asked her how we can setup things best, and she provided that insight. It worked out nicely. Last year seemed to go by pretty smoothly.

How is Regpack working for your conference billing?

Regpack has really helped change our process for the better.

In the past, the money would go to the host site since they would manage the registration process. So reporting on revenue and income wasn’t happening on our end.

It’s very helpful to have all the money now coming to us, and then we can pay out for the housing, food costs, consultations, etc. Before, it was harder to view the breakdown of income and figure out where it needed to go, who was owed what, etc. It’s made it a lot more simple for everyone.

Regpack has really helped change our process for the better.

We’ve included some important tasks all event planners need on their event checklist, including:

  • Event Goals
  • Event Budget: ticket costs, sponsorship, etc.
  • Transportation / Parking
  • Sub – Contractor Lists
  • Staff / Volunteer Selection
  • Creating an Event Marketing Plan
  • Create an Event Website
  • Develop an Event Schedule

About CCCA

Regpack has helped thousands of organizations like yours.


Attendee satisfaction from the registration process (!!!)



on avg to complete complex tasks



support cases per admin on avg.

We were able to collect information from attendees we were never able to collect before.

That was vital to the event planning.

About The Author
Abby McCool