Regpack helps to streamline after school registration.


Soccer Club Registration Software: Client Spotlight with SoccerInsight

SoccerInsight came to Regpack in 2019 needing a better solution for managing the soccer camps and club.

Their previous solution pivoted more towards league-only functionality and SoccerInsight really needed support for the camps and season sessions they were running.

Deejae loves Regpack, especially during Covid when plans and programs changed, and he was able to use Regpack to support his changing program offerings.

Read below how Deejae found Regpack, why he loves it, and how’s he’s using it to manage soccer camps.

Your camp changes lives. Let us change yours.

What brought you to Regpack in your search for a new software?

I had been using a league management software for almost 10 years. I loved it, as it was built by guys like me – soccer coaches who ran soccer camps. However as they made the change towards a traditional league management software, it wasn’t cutting it for managing my soccer camps.

The user experience wasn’t good, and I couldn’t use the data. So in 2019 I started looking for a better solution.

I decided on Regpack, and realized that the more I use it, the more I learned what Regpack could do for me. I realized it was doing exactly what I needed!

In 2020 after COVID started, we actually ran more programs than we had in the past as we had more field options and openings and could run additional camps.

I couldn’t have survived 2020 without Regpack.

How do you find the usability of Regpack?

COVID restrictions forced us to build new camp offerings, manage refunds for families, and shift credits over to the new programs they wanted to attend.

It was an incredible amount of work and I don’t know how we would have managed it with our old system. The interface with Regpack was clear for both myself and parents.

Sending out emails was way easier, tracking accounts receivables as well. It was easy to add classes as well as added to our program offerings.

With our old software, I felt like I had to relearn the platform every year.

Now that we are running year-round programs and can copy over the core structure, it’s so easy to get going each season.

How does Regpack make your day-to-day easier and more efficient?

Regpack helps me understand who is enrolled in what class, who has paid, and the ability to track all of these data points as they move through the registration process.

It’s very easy to use the system to see who has a balance due and the ability to communicate with families who have an outstanding payment.

If I have to change a class, it’s easy to just click on everyone in the class and quickly send them an email.

Working accounts receivables with Regpack is way easier than my old system. I can understand where the money is, and tracking everything is a lot easier.

I also love that payments make it to my account daily rather than every week!

I love Autobill. It gives me a predictable schedule for my cash flow and ensures that people can’t register and leave the system before making a payment. I love offering installments to families who are registering for programs in the summer that doesn’t start until the following winter. It gives them flexibility. But it also allows for people who sign up in May for a program in June to ensure they are paid in full in a shorter time period.

The ability to have custom auto bill plans gives us the flexibility we needed.

I couldn’t have survived 2020 without Regpack.

We’ve included some important tasks after school programs need on their event checklist, including:

  • Curriculum
  • Rosters
  • Student forms
  • Emergency contact information
  • Staff / Volunteer Selection
  • Multiple child sign-ups
  • Multiple payment methods

About SoccerInsight

Regpack has helped thousands of organizations like yours.


Attendee satisfaction from the registration process (!!!)



on avg to complete complex tasks



support cases per admin on avg.

I love Autobill.

It gives me a predictable schedule for my cash flow and ensures that people can’t register and leave the system before making a payment

About The Author